Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan has purchased a luxurious property in Mumbai’s posh Juhu area amid rumors of divorce with wife Aishwarya Rai. According to multiple reports, the house is close to Jalsa, his father Amitabh Bachchan’s Juhu bungalow. As per a report by Bombay Times, Abhishek Bachchan’s new apartment has a stunning view of the Juhu beach.

The report also states that the Bachchan family already owns five bungalows in the vicinity, along with flats in some newly developed properties. A post shared by Abhishek Bachchan (@bachchan) In fact, Akshay Kumar has also invested in the same building. However, it isn’t known how much Abhishek Bachchan spent on the luxurious apartment.

This comes after Abhishek Bachchan bought six flats in Borivali in Oberoi Realty’s Oberoi Sky City back in June 2024. According to the registration paperwork obtained by, the Borivali units are valued at Rs.

15.42 crore. Abhishek Bachchan reportedly purchased 4,894 sq ft of RERA carpet for Rs.

31,498 per sq ft. The six flats are placed on the 57th floor of a high-rise structure along the Western Express Highway (WEH) in Borivali East. A post shared by prime video IN (@primevideoin) Meanwhile, rumors about Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai’s divorce have been doing the rounds for a while now.

It has been a year since the two haven’t been spotted arriving or leaving a public event together. Reports of their divorce first emerged after the two were spotted reaching their.