Abdul Karim (third left) looks through the ’Rintis Kecemerlangan: FSGK – Petronas’ coffee table book which was presented to him as a memento. Joining him are Sulong (fourth right), Musdi (third right), Nancy (right) and others. – Photo by Kong Jun Liung KUCHING (Sept 25): The Natural History Museum at Taman Budaya here is expected to reopen its doors to the public within this year, said Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

The Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Minister said renovations to the museum have already been completed, with the next phase being the placement of artefacts. “The museum building was renovated because there was a leak on the roof last time. Now that that has been completed, we are now bringing back the artefacts which have been safely kept in storage all over Kuching.

“This will take a bit of time because we need to make sure that there is a proper system in showcasing the artefacts and exhibits. I’m hoping that the museum can be opened this year,” he told reporters when met after officiating the 7th International Conference of Applied and Creative Arts (ICACA) 2024 at Borneo Cultures Museum Auditorium here today. On the cost of the renovations, Abdul Karim said he did not have the exact amount offhand but estimated it to be around a few million ringgit.

“Once it’s ready, it will be a very interesting museum. We have the Borneo Cultures Museum, and this is one is the Natural History Museum where visitors will be seeing Nia.