As our own Sam Janney reported earlier, Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is having a "terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day today in the media." Mainstream media outlets are reporting negative stories about the Minnesota governor. CNN reported that Walz lied about his drunk driving arrest.

Fox News reported on Walz repeatedly praising an antisemitic Muslim cleric who celebrated Hitler and the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel. ABC News is getting in on the action, noting that Walz has spread some "inaccuracies." New: In 2016, Tim Walz was intro'd during a TV panel as having "served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

" Walz nodded in agreement, despite having never served there. More w/ @wsteaks .

@wsteaks and @OliviaRubinABC report that in 2016, Thomas Behrends, who took over Walz's battalion after Walz retired from military service in 2005, penned a private letter to Walz imploring him to stop using the title of Command Sergeant Major. "It saddens me that after your..

. "It saddens me that after your long career in the National Guard, that you did not fulfill the conditions of your promotion to Command Sergeant Major..

.It's quite a title to have, when it has been earned. I would hope that you haven't been using the rank for political gain, but that is how it appears.

" Ouch. Olivia Rubin and Will Steakin report : While there is no evidence that Walz has committed the crime of stolen valor, an ABC News r.