Aaron Rodgers and his parents, Ed and Darla Rodgers , have been estranged for years, but the athlete is holding out hope for a future reconciliation. “It’s definitely possible,” the New York Jets quarterback, 40, told author Ian O’Connor in an interview for O’Connor’s new biography, Out of the Darkness: The Mystery of Aaron Rodgers . “It’s just timing, just timing.

Every time I think it’s getting closer, some weird things happen. But I would like a relationship with my dad for sure.” In separate interviews for O’Connor’s book, Ed and Darla said that they’d be willing to resume their relationship with Aaron in any capacity.

“We’re all about forgiving and forgetting,” Darla said. “We would be so happy to move on. .

.. Maybe we don’t see him all the time.

We’re OK with however it’s framed. The new relationship needs to start and it just feels weird that we can’t communicate even big-life things with him.” Ed, for his part, added: “And we have unconditional love for him.

No matter what happened, we would just like the relationship.” Aaron’s parents also pushed back on speculation that their religious beliefs had caused a divide between them and their middle son. (The couple also share sons Luke and Jordan , the latter of whom is married to The Bachelorette season 12 lead JoJo Fletcher .

) “We’re not rigid. We’re not hard-line, or whatever people have said in the news,” Ed told O’Connor. “We’re just people trying to fol.