Bollywood stars Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao recently graced the second episode of Aapka Apna Zakir, a talk show hosted by comedian Zakir Khan. The duo was there to promote their upcoming film, Stree 2, but it was Kapoor’s candid revelation about her first paycheck that stole the spotlight. In a heartwarming moment, Zakir Khan asked Shraddha Kapoor about her memories of earning her first salary.

Kapoor, known for her versatile roles in films like Stree and Tu Jhoonthi Main Makkar, shared an endearing story from her early days. Also Read - Stree 2 Advance Booking Opens: Huge anticipation from fans forces makers to keep special shows “Meri pehli kamayi thi toh mere maa baap ne mujhe bahut pyaar se, laad se America bheja,” Shraddha Kapoor reminisced. “Lekin unhone bola ki ladki bigad na jaye toh usko pocket money pe rakhenge.

Aur budget me rakhenge aur unone bola ki agar kuch extra paise chahiye toh khud kama lena. Aur hamesha se joh mere pita joh hai, unki joh journey rahi hai kamal ki rahi hai.” (My first earnings occurred when my parents lovingly sent me to America, but they were anxious not to spoil me, so they kept me on a tight budget with little pocket money.

They told me that if I wanted more money, I would have to earn it myself. My father’s path has always been extraordinary, and this has inspired me.) Also Read - Stree 2 diva Tamannaah Bhatia's first interview as a 15 year old goes viral, proves she's a natural beauty without any plastic surgeries Und.