The AIM-HI Accelerator Fund today announces Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc), Chief Executive Officer of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), is selected unanimously by the 2024 Blue Ribbon Selection Committee as the recipient of the 2024 Beacon Award for Women Leaders in Oncology, from a pool of outstanding global nominees. The Beacon Award for Women Leaders in Oncology was established in 2022 by the AIM-HI Accelerator Fund and sponsored by the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR). The Beacon Award recognizes outstanding women leaders in health and life sciences who have significantly impacted cancer treatment, detection, and diagnosis for patients worldwide.

Dr. Foti has served as the CEO of AACR for more than 42 years. During this time, she has led the growth and transformation of AACR from a relatively small professional association into the leading international scientific organization focused on basic, translational, and clinical cancer research.

AACR currently has more than 59,000 members across 143 countries. Throughout her career, Dr. Foti has been a powerful voice and advocate for women and underrepresented minority groups in science.

As a result of her leadership, 45% of AACR members are women, 11% are from underrepresented minority groups, and 22% hail from countries with emerging economies. In addition to expanding AACR's membership to include a diverse base of scientific professionals, Dr. Foti has actively engaged with the public and privat.