Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Vacations have always been about taking time to escape from the ordinary and hopefully come back refreshed after an adventure or a restful beach stay. However, a significant percentage of travelers are now seeking to spend their entire holidays focusing on wellness, frequently in an exotic destination that also includes luxury accommodations and outstanding cuisine. Tammy Petersen of Wellness Marketing designs and executes some of these programs.

These range from “ A Break Free Retreat” aimed at teaching participants how to live in the moment and remember how to experience joy to a “ Secrets of the Empowered Woman ” aimed at helping women regain energy and find a purpose. She shares her tips on finding a wellness program that can meet your expectations and perfectly balance learning with play. A sun rise gathering Palmaia—House of AiA Q:Why is a vacation the perfect time to focus on a wellness goal? Vacationers today are looking for more than just a break from routine—they're seeking self-awareness and renewal.

Many travelers crave immersive wellness experiences in luxurious locales. They want more than just comfort; they are seeking holistic healing and an opportunity to educate and learn about themselves. A break from work or your usual activities combined with a carefully curated program can result in a lasting positive impact.

Q:How do travelers find the right program? We suggest you take a moment to reflect.