REFLECTIONS One's first day as an intern isn't supposed to be too active. Typically, you meet your coworkers and maybe get assigned a laptop. My first day at The Daily Progress as a photo intern let me know that this job wasn't going to be the kind of summer internship where I made copies.

On May 18, I got up at 6:30 a.m. to photograph Final Exercises at the University of Virginia, ran around photographing in the rain for several hours and then met with my supervisor Cal Cary for a marathon photo editing session.

Then it was off to UVa's baseball stadium to shoot the rivalry game and season finale against Virginia Tech, which ended up lasting 13 innings over five hours. Total work time: 16 hours. For the following two months, I continued running around Charlottesville, Albemarle and surrounding counties to produce pictures and stories every day for The Daily Progress.

In chronological order, here are 10 pictures and 10 assignments that I loved: First day on the job Graduation day was a huge assignment. The quad (Lawn, as I quickly learned) was packed to the brim with seniors (fourth-years, all right) who, I found, were more than happy to pose for pictures, even as their caps drooped in the drizzling rain that morning. Here, two fourth-years dance on the steps of the Rotunda as they await to walk down to the ceremony.

Commonwealth Clash At the University of Missouri where I study journalism, I had spent the past year covering college sports for a local blog. I was excited that.