had been dating a mystery man for a while but she also dated comedian , and NFL star . None of those relationships worked and Kanye West got married during that time. Since he got hitched to Australian Architect major West has been traveling the world with her as she barely wears any clothing.

Meanwhile, has taken parenting duties on a full time basis while West goes around the world with his new wife. In a recent visit to Jimmy Fallon's show, she revealed that she is currently single and she is ready to mingle. But she is not trying to get a new boyfriend on her own, she is getting some help from an unexpected little helper.

Kim Kardashian's children are helping her find a new boyfriend According to Kim Kardashian herself, her own chldren are the ones trying to get her a new couple. During her show with Jimmy Fallon was when she made this reveal and it made Kanye West fans immediately ask what was going on. The double standard here is funny because some folks online are saying that the kids somehow are betraying Ye.

However, the rapper is already married again and Kim Kardashian for some reason can't have a new couple? Why is it wrong to have her kids help her find a new couple while their father is already married? It makes absolutely no sense for Kanye West fans to cry betrayal unless you know how polarized American society has become over the last decade. If Kim Kardashian wants to find love again, she is well within her right to do so and she doesn't need permission from.