When dance and music are seamlessly integrated, the performance becomes a sight to behold. Shirisha Shashank, a disciple of Priyadarsini Govind, presented a solo Bharatanatyam recital at the Music Academy’s mid-year dance festival. The evening began with a Pushpanjali in raga Hamsadhwani set to Roopaka tala, followed by the Ganesha stuti ‘Pahi pahi bala ganapate’ composed by Mazhavai Chidambara Swami.

Shirisha did justice to the varnam ‘Swamiyae vara solladi’| Photo Credit:M. SRINATH M The next item was the varnam ‘Swamiyae vara solladi’ in raga Purvikalyani and tala Adi. This composition by K.

N. Dandayuthapani Pillai conveys a profound sense of yearning and devotion. In this piece, the heroine (the nayika) requests her friend (sakhi) to bring none other than Kumaraswamy, the lord himself, to her.

Having experienced his grace throughout her life, she now fully understands her love for him and longs to see him. She wonders why it is taking him so long, questioning his intentions and whether he has a heart of stone or truly loves her. She performed the long piece with grace and ease.

Following the varnam came a padam ‘Mogadochi’ in raga Sahana and set to Mishra Chapu, a composition in Telugu. In this piece, the nayika is preparing to bid farewell to Krishna. She says, ‘It is time for me to leave.

My husband is at the doorstep to take me away. Please do not forget the feelings I had for you, and please do not forget me”. She continues, “Do not worry abou.