By all accounts, Milagra the “miracle” California condor shouldn’t be alive today. But now at nearly 17 months old, she is one of four of the giant endangered birds who will get to stretch their wings in the wild as part of a release this weekend near the Grand Canyon. There is no more appropriate name for a young bird that has managed to survive against all odds.

Her mother died from the worst outbreak of in U.S. history soon after she laid her egg and her father nearly succumbed to the same fate while struggling to incubate the egg alone.

Milagra, which means miracle in Spanish, was rescued from her nest and hatched in captivity thanks to the care of her foster condor parents. The emergency operation was part of a program established some 40 years ago to help bring the birds back when their numbers had plummeted to fewer than two dozen. The Peregrine Fund and the Bureau of Land Management are streaming the release of Milagra and the others online Saturday from Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) from the Grand Canyon’s North Rim.

have been released there since 1996. But the annual practice was put on hold last year due to what is known as the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza killed 21 condors in the Utah-Arizona flock. “This year’s condor release will be especially impactful given the losses we experienced in 2023 from HPAI and lead poisoning,” said Tim Hauck, The Peregrine Fund’s California Condor program director.

Today, as.