In our daily lives, we have to deal with people who have power over us. These individuals can be our friends, family members, colleagues, as well as influential figures in society or industry. To serve their own interests, they may often railroad us into doing things that are out of sync with our dreams, goals and preferences.

This pressure can be devastating for us because it can force us to lead a life that’s not aligned with our true calling. Family pressure is one such example of psychological force exerted by people – in one’s circle – to further their own interests. Because of family pressure, one is often forced or manipulated into adopting a way of life that’s not of one’s choosing, getting stuck in an unsatisfying career, relationship or lifestyle.

Parental pressure is the most potent form of family pressure because parents are the “heads” of the family and hold the greatest sway over our lives. Due to their roles as breadwinners and emotional pillars, they exercise enormous influence over their children’s life choices. Their authority permeates every aspect of their children’s lives – lifestyle, education, careers, travel, friendship, finance and romance.

Parental authority is difficult to challenge because it’s been firmly entrenched in the minds of people over centuries through various institutions. This social conditioning compels a person to seek their approval when making important life decisions. Should they refuse to support their chil.