Nifty · Posted 3 minutes ago The Wildest Things People Saw In Homes While House-Searching "They left grandma on the first floor. All the doors to the living room were closed. If you went in, there was an elderly bedridden woman lying in a king sized bed who was just sitting there watching TV.

" by Marisa Martinez BuzzFeed Contributor Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail When I tune into home renovation shows, one of the highlights is when they uncover the unexpected and bizarre items hidden within the properties. I recall an episode of Flip Or Flop where Christina Hall's reaction was unforgettable – she was startled and started screaming after discovering a person living inside the house they were planning to flip. These home buyers reveal the weirdest things they've ever found in their house search, and yes, people living in "vacant" houses are pretty common: 1.

An OBGYN Table Vadimborkin / Getty Images / Via Getty Images "When I was apartment hunting a few years ago, there was one duplex that I'll never forget. I could immediately tell that the unit itself wouldn't work for me, so I was trying to bail politely, but the owner/landlord was insistent that I see the basement. It was an old house with the typical mildly creepy stone basement, but then I saw the rusty old OBGYN chair in the corner, complete with stirrups and everything.

Let me tell you, I was so fucking glad my mom was with me, holding the door to the outside open. I couldn't nope out of there fast enough." —.