or signup to continue reading On Australia's version of the iconic Route 66, a 1950s diner is stirring old-school nostalgia for the locals and lovers of Chiltern. Lulu and Didge are the creative and charismatic duo behind the beautiful Highway 31 shop front of Lulu & Didge. From meeting in a bakery five years ago, to now bringing Didge's 50s vision to life, they're doing everything the authentic way - and their customers are loving it.

"Our furniture has mostly come from locals getting rid of things in their sheds. It's 50s diner style second-hand," says Julie, who goes by Lulu. "Think laminated tabletops, chrome, old 50s-style padded seats that you would have gone to your Nanna's house and sat at," added Didge.

"We have a lot of people coming in and saying, 'Oh I remember this from when I was growing up!'. It's kind of like stepping back in time, which is really cool." Disappointed by the prices of cafe food, Lulu and Didge wanted to create a family-friendly, community hub, where people could come for a meal that wasn't going to cost them an arm and a leg.

Their menu is reminiscent of diner food from a time gone by, and their regulars return for the warm hospitality, with a side of coffee roasted locally in Myrtleford. "It's good old-fashion homemade," Didge says, with Lulu adding, "We try and make everything in-house." With 10 different toppings to choose from, their baked potatoes have been going "gangbusters".

So too have their loaded hot dogs, which can be enjoyed with t.