THE Civic Centre in Suva was transformed into a vibrant celebration of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival on Tuesday. The event, deeply rooted in Chinese tradition and culture, was organised by the Chinese community in Fiji and featured an array of mesmerising performances, creating a bridge of friendship between cultures. The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on the 14th day of the 8th month of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, is a time for family reunions and gratitude for the harvest.

This year, as the moon shone bright and full, families came together, whether physically or in spirit, to admire its beauty and partake in the age-old customs associated with the festival. The event at the Civic Centre was not only a celebration of Chinese heritage but also an invitation for the local community to engage in a shared cultural experience. Co-hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Fiji, the Chinese Cultural Centre, and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province in China, the evening was part of the “Mid-Autumn Festival – A Moon to Remember” campaign, an initiative that aims to spread the festival’s message worldwide, emphasising themes of unity, gratitude, and the celebration of cultural diversity.

The evening’s program, titled “Experience Hubei’s Performance in Fiji – A Melodious Bridge of Friendship,” showcased both international and local talent, with 17 performers from Fiji. The array of performances included tradit.