was first released for mobile devices in 2008. It was a Japan-exclusive tie-in to the popular puzzle series, and features a canon story that takes place somewhere between Nintendo DS titles and . Some time after release, vanished.

Mobile games are notoriously difficult to preserve, and while this game was released twice (once as original, and once in a “remix version”) it was never properly archived. When it became unavailable on its native app stores, it was rendered unplayable, and preservationists realised it was technically “lost” from the public sphere. Years after this discovery, three chapters of the game were found and preserved, but a complete version eluded preservationists.

Now, thanks to the efforts of hobbyist game preservationist , the hunt appears over – as a new, complete version of the game has been salvaged from a junk Fujitsu F906i phone that “looked like it survived a house fire.” It appears the phone was purchased in a bulk auction online, as part of wider efforts to preserve early mobile game history. On this single phone, Yuvi not only found this long-lost game, but a treasure trove of other apps, including a lost spin-off.

As confirmed by fellow preservationist RockmanCosmo, has now been , in playable form, and there are also plans for it to be translated into English, allowing English-speaking players to jump in for the first time. While some tinkering is required to get the mobile game running once more – emulation can be a tricky art.