Bollywood actor Jim Sarbh has created a niche for himself in the entertainment industry with charm and hard work, The actor turned 37 today and on the occasion, let's know about his alleged love life with Mukkabaaz actor Zoya Hussain. In the entertainment industry, the news of linkups and breakups is not hidden from anyone. But somehow this couple has still been able to keep their relationship out of people's scanners.

For those who don't know, Zoya Hussain and Jim Sarbh have been in the headlines for the past few days. If reports are to be believed, they are dating each other for the last 3 years. Both of them impressed people with a music video.

Their chemistry in this song was very much liked. Since then their friendship has remained a part of the discussion. If reports are to be believed, both have been dating since the year 2022.

Moreover, recently Zoya broke the silence on the news of dating. Zoya was last seen in Manoj Bajpayee's film Bhaiyaaji. Her acting in this film was well-liked.

While people are crazy about social media at this age, Zoya stays away from social media. In an interview, Zoya was asked about her relationship with Jim. 'This is personal, this is my personal life.

I don't know what is being written about me so I don't know what to say.' Zoya further said- It is true that Jim and I are very good friends. We are also very close," said the actor.

Also, Zoya said that Jim is also a very good cook. Let us tell you that Zoya and Jim have never worked togethe.