With the cosmetic industry consistently growing and a multitude of skin-care products being released every year, beauty lovers are often left feeling overwhelmed in deciding what to put on their faces to achieve the desired results. However, a recent study of 2,000 women, found 68% swear by a piece of advice passed down from older friends or relatives. Beauty advice is still very much a word-of-mouth phenomenon, with 46% of women surprisingly not relying on online sources at all for inspiration.

Family and friends are where most people turn (22%), followed by beauty professionals (21%). And now, a young woman has taken to TikTok to share a beauty secret that was passed down to her from a woman in her 80s, to help others achieve natural glowy skin. Going by the username, Joy Human , she shared: "All I'm saying is, I met a lady in her 80s last year, and she was absolutely glowing.

And I said what is your skincare routine, and she said castor oil. "So, that's been on my mind ever since, I got this undereye roller that's castor oil, black seed oil and frankincense oil [..

.] this is my favourite product [..

.] I love caster oil, I love holistic things." Castor oil is a fantastic remedy for dry or damaged skin.

Its high-fat content acts as a shield against bacteria and also forms a barrier to prevent moisture loss. Once skin is dry, it can create fine lines and wrinkles which gives the appearance of looking older. Therefore, using caster oil is the perfect natural anti-ageing produc.