In September 2020, four years ago, I took another step in my 20-year journey in the media industry. At that time, what occupied my mind the most was: Will I be able to meet the expectations of those who placed their trust and love in me? Questions flooded my mind back then..

.How will we breathe new life into the halls of Kuwait’s most prestigious printed newspaper? How do we rejuvenate the first English newspaper in Kuwait and the Gulf? Bringing life back means the need for young blood and creative minds. Where do we start in renewing this energy? Who would be willing to join us in this upcoming challenge? How can we transform cold, traditional office cubicles into warm, comfortable, quiet, attractive and inspiring spaces that encourage creatives to excel in their work? After years of abandonment, will we be able to turn our old offices and printing presses on Press Street into a destination for young people, creatives, ambassadors and readers? Between heritage and modernity, between history and renewal, how can we merge Kuwait News, the young Arabic online newspaper, with Kuwait Times, the classic English printed paper, under one umbrella? Young talents need resources, but the current resources are limited.

Yet with a clear plan and the blessed efforts of everyone, these limited resources can expand, diversify and grow. We will enter more homes, broader circles and more beautiful minds. We will be a bridge between citizens and residents of this country and a link between t.