Today, there are so many ways to travel by private jet with prices at both ends of the scale. Most people will just charter a flight on demand as and when they need it. Others who have the finances may take full ownership or invest in a fractional share.

However, private jet cards have become increasingly popular and a more affordable option for anyone who travels by private jets frequently. What is a private jet card? If you have ever traveled by private jet, you will be aware of jet cards and have probably been offered them. A private jet card, in simple terms, is like a pre-paid card that can be bought in increments of hours, most commonly 25, 50 and 100 hours.

You then pay a fixed hourly rate for the flight. When you travel on a regular basis, they offer a simple and cost-effective approach with less hassle than on-demand charter. You do not have to check the hourly pricing or what aircraft are available, like on-demand charter.

There are also deposit cards, where a fixed sum of money is deposited on the card and used against flights. Depending on the operator, the price can be dynamic or capped. There may also be management fees.

With dynamic pricing, it is expensive to travel during peak times, so it is worth taking into account. However, if not traveling at peak times, dynamic pricing can gain clients a cheaper flight than fixed-rate hour flights. Both save time as flights can be booked fast, by a quick call, message, or through an app, and can be on short notice.

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