Dog expert Connie Spinks, who is studying to become a veterinarian, has published a list of dog breeds that she does not recommend and would never own. But she clarified that these are her personal, generalized opinions based on her own experience with these breeds. The 23-year-old showed a series of photo slides with a list of breeds and reasons why she would not like to have them.

Connie shared this video on the social network TikTok, which went viral. Goldendoodle This breed of dog is loved by families, but Connie does not recommend any doodle mixes. She says that some of them are really cute, but most of them are crazy neurotic psychopaths.

In addition, the expert assures that this breed is a "genetic dump" and always has an ear infection, no matter how well the owners take care of them. Samoyed The next breed on the list of anti-dog breeds is the Samoyed (a type of Laika), which, according to the veterinarian, requires more care than humans. "It takes me more time to take care of my hair than my hair," she says, adding that these dogs don't like long walks or swimming in bodies of water.

"I want a dog, not a porcelain rag that bites strangers," Connie clarifies. Shiba Inu Connie also doesn't recommend the Shiba Inu breed, saying from her experience that in most cases she can't touch them unless the dog is "drugged and muzzled." The girl also claims that dogs of this breed are very dramatic and do not like anyone outside their family.

"The only cute Shiba Inu dog I met wa.