Bengaluru: Ina magnificent homage to the legendary actress Sridevi, filmmaker Sandeep Malani has once again showcased his devotion to the actress on her 61st birth anniversary. Malani, who considers himself not just a fan but a true devotee of Sridevi, has consistently celebrated her legacy through various creative endeavours over the years. This year, he has elevated his tribute to new heights with a poetic video that beautifully encapsulates his admiration for the beloved star.

Malani’s dedication to Sridevi is nothing short of extraordinary. His annual celebrations on August 13th have become a cherished tradition, marked by thoughtful and creative tributes. From gifting memorable childhood family photos and crafting collages of her film posters to penning diaries on her life and producing musical documentaries about her illustrious career, Malani has continually honoured Sridevi’s indelible impact on cinema.

One of Malani’s most notable tributes was his 2012 film ‘Janleva 555’, where actress Kalpana Pandit donned costumes reminiscent of Sridevi’s iconic roles in Nagina (1986), Chaalbaaz (1989), and Chandni (1989). The film, an homage to Sridevi’s legendary performances, was a loving nod to her enduring influence. Similarly, his film Yeh CineMaa Hai (2017), which was entirely shot on an iPhone, further reflected his admiration, earning praise for its poignant sequences dedicated to the actress.

This year, Malani has taken his tribute to a new artistic level wi.