John Travolta , known for his remarkable acting career and passion for aviation, owns several aircraft , including a Boeing 737 that perfectly symbolizes his deep love for flying. As a licensed pilot with a collection of aircraft, Travolta’s Boeing 737 stands out due to its distinct characteristics, making it an iconic part of his aviation journey. Travolta’s passion for aviation John Travolta is not only an accomplished actor, but also an enthusiastic pilot.

In fact, his passion for aviation came before his Saturday Night Fever big break, which was released one year after he earned his private pilot’s license, at the age of 22. Travolta's love affair with planes began as a child, and over the years, he has made aviation an integral part of his life. The actor boasts 11 certifications under his belt, and is type rated to fly several aircraft – from small military aircraft to the Boeing 707.

Impressively, the actor was the first non-test pilot to fly the Airbus A380! Speaking to Business Jet Traveller , Travolta recounted how the opportunity arose: “The Qantas chair of the board said to me, ‘If I could finagle a test flight for you, would you want to do it?’ I said, ‘Are you kidding?’ So she was out dining with the manufacturers, and at the appropriate time she said, ‘It’s really important to me to have John fly tomorrow.’ She leveraged them, and they said, ‘Yes’.” The actor lives in Jumbolair Aviation Estates – a fly-in community at north centr.