Scarlett and Seth Eskelund spent five years building and converting vans. In 2023, they quit their van conversion business to build one final dream van to travel in. The van cost $127,000, and after a year of traveling, they said there wasn't anything they'd change.

Scarlett and Seth Eskelund started their van conversion knowing exactly what they wanted. There was no debate over adding a pop of color; the couple planned to stick to neutrals. When deciding if it was worth spending the money and time building a shower , the answer was an easy yes.

Straight lines and Scandinavian influence were styles the pair had eyed for years, so naturally, they agreed to incorporate those elements in their van. These quick answers — and the conversion for the van altogether — took a mere six months. But Scarlett, 26, and Seth, 27, told Business Insider that their van was really five years in the making.

Before the build, the couple had spent years converting and selling vans. After a bout of burnout, the pair decided to quit their conversion business and prioritize building a van to travel in . It's been a year since they completed the build, and they said it's exactly as they dreamed.

"I wouldn't change — down to centimeters — hardly anything," Seth said. "It works really, really well for us," Scarlett added. After five years of converting and selling vans, the couple was ready to build their dream one In 2018, Seth and Scarlett felt stuck.

"We were just in an unhappy place in life,.