Chandigarh: Nearly seven decades after it was first conceptualized by Le Corbusier , ‘ Martyrs’ Memorial ’ is finally set to be completed as per the legendary architect’s vision on India’s rise after the freedom struggle and Partition. The Chandigarh administration, after multiple failed attempts at completing the memorial, has allotted the work for the project. “The Martyrs’ Memorial was planned in the Capitol Complex by Le Corbusier.

This was conceived when the government of the erstwhile Punjab state decided to erect a memorial to honour the memory of those who had laid down their lives in the struggle for freedom of the country culminating in India gaining independence in 1947. It was also a tribute to the victims of the Partition,” an official said. The memorial was promised by the administration in their application for the Capitol Complex's UNESCO heritage status.

Despite the complex receiving the prestigious designation in 2016, the memorial project has been in limbo. The memorial comprises three components — architectural with mythological symbols, sculptures like lion, snake, and man, and debris. “The architectural components of the memorial and the symbols have already been constructed as also the sculptures of lion, snake, and man have been cast in bronze.

A major component of the memorial comprising debris depicting the fall of the foreign rule in India and the resurgence of India as a free nation is still to be executed,” said the official..