AVANT GARDENER Small fishing communities remain one of the poorest sectors of Philippine society, so I’m always happy to feature enterprises that aim to support their livelihood directly. Sinaya Seafood may be the industry’s newest player, but the company is backed by more than a decade of experience working with small-scale fishers. Founder and Chief Executive Mermaid Dhang Tecson is well-known in the social enterprise community for her work, which always has to do with the ocean.

Her newest endeavor focuses on bringing fishing communities and partner institutions together to build community and supply the market with fresh, local, seasonal, and sustainably caught seafood. The company takes its name from Sinaya, the ancient Philippine goddess of the sea and protector of fishermen. “Sinaya is.

.. a bridge between fisherfolk and shareholders.

A channel for sustainable fishing and a trusted name in providing quality seafood,” Miguel Mercado, Sinaya’s marketing head, said. “We are the center for the richest marine biodiversity. And yet, if I asked you, do you have access to affordable, fresh, and sustainably caught fish, not always.

.. So there’s a lot of space for it.

” The company works with existing small enterprises, either fishing communities or fishery entrepreneurs. This way, they work with groups or individuals already ready to expand their operations. “We’re activating state universities and colleges to work with us to work with fishery entrepreneurs, t.