One beautiful day after class, King saw Nadia, and it was love at first sight. Even though they didn’t get a chance to talk at that moment, love presented another chance for them to meet that same day. This time, King didn’t take any chances and chose to shoot his shot tactically.

You’ve got to keep reading to see how he did it! As they gear up for their big day, the Burundian-Nigerian lovebirds are serving a piping hot dose of romance with their pre-wedding shoot in Zanzibar. Each frame is a display of their sweet love and we can’t get enough. 😍 Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below: How we met By the groom, King : This girl walks so slowly! That was my first impression of Nadia.

It was the Fall semester of 2017, at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell Campus. We had both just come out of class and were at the streetlights waiting for the walk sign to turn on (among many other students). I was on the left side of the street, while Nadia was on the right.

I looked to my right, and that was when I first saw her. Absolutely mesmerized! When the walk sign came on, I walked and hoped Nadia would cross and walk towards me. Even though she did, she walked super slow.

So, I kept checking behind me to see if she was getting closer. “Ah, this girl walks so slow”, I thought, as I kept getting farther. I had an appointment to get to, so I could not wait for Nadia to catch up, even though I was praying she would walk faster.

Unfortunately, she kept moving l.