The most important part of anyone’s beauty routine is A lack of sleep can impact our mental health, energy, and physical appearance. Nothing is worse than hoping your mascara can cover those pesky dark circles. Even if we use full coverage, our lack of sleep will still show through our yawns and lackluster enthusiasm for life.

No matter how amazing the beauty product is, there’s only one main cure for feeling like ourselves again: eight hours of pure rest. Everyone is different, and sometimes, our cozy covers aren’t enough for our bodies to get the hint that it’s time for lights out. Tossing and turning in the middle of the night is less than ideal when a 6:00 A.

M. alarm is ready to bring you into reality. Since a night of no sleep is a subject almost everyone can relate to, our favorite beauty girlies share their secrets to getting quality beauty rest ahead.

is a beauty and fashion influencer who sees rest as an act of radical self-care. Growing up in a Jamaican household, she was taught to prioritize wellness practices that connect her to her roots. One of those practices is peppermint tea! “I drink peppermint tea faithfully! Peppermint tea was the solution to everything in my household,” says Blissett.

Although she relies on tea to relax her body after a long day, she also indulges in a meditation and prayer routine to help calm her mind. Outside of content creation, Blissett is a full-time hairstylist whose mind is constantly on the go. Implementing meditation.