Changes abound on 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 Episode 1, as the series picks up roughly a year later with most of the characters we know and love. And it’s been a tough year for most of them, with Owen and Carlos battling grief in their respective ways and Judd facing a crisis of identity as he confronts feeling lost in every aspect of his life. And yet, all of this results in an understated opener to Lone Star’s final season .

Grief is a Heavy Cloak for Owen It’s genuinely refreshing to see Owen accepting Tommy’s offer and participating in grief group therapy . It may not be something he’ll partake in often, but it’s more than one could’ve expected from him. Owen is a character who has experienced such unfathomable loss and trauma back to when his first brother died.

Each death he’s experienced over the years has compounded this grief, and it’s a much better road for Owen to walk down, acknowledging that grief and doing something about it rather than these extraneous things he does to avoid sitting in his own feelings for too long. Owen is at his most stable in life. He’s healthy, has a normal romantic relationship, and his son is happy and fulfilled in his job with no other issues.

However, Robert’s death has placed Owen in a reflective place that adds more depth to his character. Seeing him lean on Tommy for emotional support when talking about his brothers’ deaths and Judd as a confidant whose judgment he trusts about pretty much everything was genui.