Localities will go to great lengths to attract tourism, but what happens when there is no natural wonder to gawk at? Build it, and they will come. The world is filled with engineering and technological marvels that make great vacation destinations, and many of them welcome additional dollars by offering tourists a chance to get up close to their favorite landmark. Necessary infrastructure, vanity projects, and scientific facilities all fall into this category of eye-popping projects attracting millions of visitors annually.

You don't need to be a science or engineering enthusiast to enjoy some of these attractions. From The Sphere concert venue in Las Vegas to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, these amalgamations of imagination, technological wizardry, and engineering mastery impress nonetheless. Come along with us as we travel to the far corners of the earth to uncover some of the most exciting and impressive world-class attractions and the technology that makes them possible.

After opening in 2023, the Las Vegas Sphere instantly became one of the most recognizable concert venues in the world. Looming over the infamous Strip, the aptly named Sphere is a technological marvel. Standing at 366 feet tall and 516 feet, the building is the largest spherical structure in the world, but that's not where the wonders end.

The Sphere is actually two structures, a dome within a dome. An outer exoskeleton carries a 580,000-square-foot LED display that projects everything from Supe.