Much of the time spent on screens, yes, involves engaging with other people through social media. But these interactions have proven to be much shallower than in-person connections. They simply do not compare with the rich, relationship-strengthening power of an in-person interaction.

I want to provide more detail about that point. What is it precisely about an in-person friendship that differs from the kind of relationship one can have virtually? Specifically, what benefits of in-person friendships are essential for human thriving that can’t be replicated online? Most memories online are forged through sight and sound. But with an in-person interaction, you are more likely to engage your senses of smell, taste, and touch as well.

If you’ve ever had a particular smell draw you back to another time in your life, then you know how powerful these senses can be in forming memories. When you’re feeling sad or afraid, there are few things more comforting than the warm embrace of a friend and their promise to walk with you. Words and images on the screen feel somehow inadequate for those moments.

Imagine trying to attend a virtual party. How could images and sounds from a screen ever compare with the energy and enthusiasm of a roomful of people? People’s personalities, their mannerisms, and their power are more palpable in the flesh than they could ever be when compressed into a two-dimensional experience. It’s great to call someone on their birthday or drop a text message.