Azure waters , white-washed villages with vibrant pops of bougainvillaea and hot, salty nights featuring tables laden with bottles of ouzo and - let's face it - a tremendous amount of carbs; a Greek Islands holiday is as wonderful as it sounds on paper. Yest, with some 6,000 islands on offer (don't worry, only 200 or so of these are inhabited), it can be overwhelming when it comes to the actual planning of said trip. The good news? We've got a few tips to help you get started on making your Greek Islands dream a reality.

READ MORE: The key things to know about visiting Paris on the cheap Okay, there's no denying you – like every other person on the planet - would prefer to visit the Greek Islands when the sun is blazing and the days are super-hot, but late June, July and August are best avoided. Not only do the islands become overcrowded, local prices are at their highest and temperatures are hovering around (and many times above the 40 degree mark. Aim for early June, or better yet, any time in September or October.

when the temperature is still in the low- to mid-20s but the summer crowds have died off and prices are rock bottom. You'll get far more bang for your buck. READ MORE: Most beautiful places along the Western Australia coastline Blame Instagram, but Santorini and Mykonos remain two of the most popular islands.

How you should be reading that sentence is 'Santorini and Mykoos are above and beyond the two most eye-wateringly expensive islands'. If you want true Gree.