‘How to sleep in the heat’ might be one of our most Googled search terms in the last week, along with the latest , for summer and the . On Monday, several areas in the the UK were hit but a rather unexpected heatwave, with London dwellers facing the UK’s hottest day of the year, with temperatures topping 34.8C in the south-east of England.

So hot are temperatures climbing this week, that the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued a yellow heat health warning for much of the UK through to 9am on Wednesday. ‘It's going to be hot. The weather is coming with a lot of humidity, so it will feel quite uncomfortable out there across central eastern England,’ explains Met Office forecaster Craig Snell.

If like us, you’ve unashamedly been tucking into a Fab lolly for breakfast, sunbathing in nothing but a bra in the garden (only to inevitably sprint inside to whip a top on at the sound of the postman), and edging ever closer to your bedroom fan, then listen up. 'Creating the ideal sleep environment involves managing the room temperature effectively, which can be trickier during the warmer months. Aim for around 16-17°C for the best sleep quality.

Ways to help keep your room cooler, involve closing curtains or blinds during the day to block sunlight and opening windows at night to let in cool air. Window screens are useful here, to keep insects out. Furthermore, it's a good idea to turn off all electronics in your room before bedtime to avoid unnecessary heat buildup.
