The internet has been collectively moved by an elderly woman reminiscing over a rediscovered love note from 70 years ago. Bryan Shutts, 40, has an incredibly close relationship with his grandmother, Betty, and her sister, Barb, and has an entire account, @betty.barb, dedicated to their antics.

The account is full of the sisters joking around with each other, reflecting on their lives, or bickering as sisters do. One video has exploded in popularity as a decades-old love note was rediscovered and shown to Betty. Now 85, Betty instantly remembered the schoolboy who had sent her the note when she was 14.

And her grandson, Shutts, told : "Betty married my grandfather Ralph, and they were married 57 years before he passed. He was an amazing man and treated Betty fantastically. He was a true gentleman.

"In my mind, he was the only man in my grandmother's life, entirely. The thought of another man courting Betty was something I never even thought about. But when I read the note and saw his picture, it brought me a lot of joy for her.

She kept it for a reason, right?" Shutts caught of the moment he presented the rediscovered note to Betty. As she held the photograph of her classmate, along with the letter, she knew instantly: "That's Don Smith." "He wrote me this note when I was a freshman in high school," she said before asking Shutts to read the letter out loud.

And he did so, with the note reading: "Dear Betty. I would like to go out with you sometime if you don't mind. I don't kn.