[The content of this article has been produced by our advertising partner.] 7-Eleven, Hong Kong’s largest convenience store chain, has partnered with the Foodlink Foundation to connect with a charity farm to donate coffee grounds for growing vegetables. The fresh produce, grown and harvested by volunteer farmers, is then distributed by 10 participating charities as fresh vegetables or hot meals to those in need.

‘Grounds to Green’ is an upcycling program for coffee grounds. Every time coffee is brewed at 7CAFÉ, whether it is a latte or a cold brew and everything in between, the used coffee grounds are collected. These grounds are then transformed into organic fertiliser at the Senior Buddy Charity Farm in Kam Tin, Yuen Long, using an on-site composting system sponsored by 7-Eleven.

This fertiliser is used to nourish fresh organic vegetables at the farm. In fact, coffee grounds-turned fertilisers is a great long-term solution for enriching the soil and eliminating the need for chemicals. They can also speed up the composting process, making them the perfect natural material for smaller farms or gardens.

As a pilot, the program currently aims to recycle the grounds from 1.25 million cups of coffee a year, producing around 4,000kg of fresh produce. By transforming coffee grounds into healthy compost for growing farm-to-table vegetables, the project supports various charitable organisations address food insecurity and promote community well-being.

Participating charities .