Opting for a xeriscaping project to conserve water is a big endeavor, and it's easy to make mistakes especially if you're tackling this on your own. Get it right and you'll conserve water as well as create the yard of your dreams. But if things go wrong you could end up seriously underwhelmed by your new design, as well as having to pay out to put things right.

From neglecting to plan your new xeriscaped design properly to choosing the wrong landscaping materials, plants or irrigation system, simple mistakes can easily add up and in the worst scenario will detract from your enjoyment of your new outdoor space. You certainly don't want to end up with a barren look that's a million miles away from what you originally envisaged. These 7 xeriscaping mistakes are easy to make but also easy to avoid with our guide to xeriscaping .

Here, we share expert advice on how to be water-wise yet still create a beautiful outdoor space. Creating a thriving and sustainable xeriscaped garden design means conserving water, selecting plants with low water requirements and making sustainable landscaping choices Xeriscaping mistakes can range from small but fixable blunders to bigger issues like miscalculating the type of landscaping materials you choose or not opting for the best xeriscaping plants , which are tricky to correct once everything else is in place. The easiest way to avoid making mistakes is to follow our expert advice to make sure you get your xeriscaping project off to a flying star.