It feels good to be noticed and appreciated, right? You can offer that gift to someone else anytime. Imagine the compounding gifts of goodwill and friendship that would accrue for you and others if you made it your mission to make others feel good regularly. Making others feel good is not some super special gift for the charismatic or outgoing among us.

It’s not even a skill that you need to practice to do well. Nearly anyone can make others feel good with the knowledge and self-confidence they already possess. The only hard part—if you want to call it that—is deciding to prioritize this action in your life and following through day after day.

Sincerity and intentionality are really the only traits you need. Isn’t it wonderful that something so special is also so accessible? We really have no excuse not to do our best to make others feel good. 1.

Ask Follow-up Questions 2. Compliment Publicly 3. Do Something Special Between Meet-ups 4.

Dream Up Fun Activities to Enjoy Together 5. Respect Opinions 6. Smile and Look Happy to See Others 7.

Give Small Gifts.