Fatty liver disease often shows up quietly, without loud symptoms. In India alone, every 1 in 3 people has a fatty liver as per a study presented in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. However, paying attention to subtle signs can help detect this condition early and at home.

While a medical diagnosis is key, there are certain symptoms you can watch for at home. Here are 7 common indicators of fatty liver disease that you can monitor yourself. Pain below the right rib cage A continuous discomfort or dull ache just under your right rib cage might be a red flag.

This area is where the liver is located, and pain here can be a sign that your liver is inflamed or enlarged due to fat buildup. Start taking precautionary measures, eating healthy and exercising. If the pain continues or worsens, it’s a sign to get checked by a doctor.

Weight gain around the midsection Sudden or gradual weight gain, especially around your stomach, can be a sign of fatty liver. The liver plays a role in fat metabolism, and when it’s not functioning properly, fat may accumulate in the abdominal area. If your diet hasn’t changed but you notice weight creeping up around your belly, it’s worth digging a little deeper.

Acne and skin issues It might be a surprise for many, but our skin can reveal a lot about liver health . Acne outbreaks, especially persistent ones, can be linked to a struggling liver. The liver helps detoxify the body, and when it’s overworked due to fat, toxins ca.