For many of us, life in a fast-paced world often means hectic schedules, long hours, and limited downtime. Yet, even amidst the hustle, there’s an undeniable appeal to having a touch of greenery at home. Houseplants not only add a sense of calm and freshness to our spaces but also come with proven mental and physical health benefits.

The good news is that for those with busy lives, there are plenty of resilient, low-maintenance plants that can thrive with minimal care. Here’s a guide to some of the best houseplants for busy individuals, along with tips for keeping them happy. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) Snake plant | The snake plant is a top choice for those who need a plant that will "just keep going.

" Known for its upright, sword-like leaves with green and yellow variegation, the snake plant is visually striking yet incredibly hardy. It can tolerate low light, infrequent watering, and varying humidity levels. Snake plants even help purify indoor air, removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene, making them perfect for urban environments.

Care tips: Place in indirect light (though it can tolerate low light), and water once every two to four weeks, depending on humidity. ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) The ZZ plant is another excellent option for those with demanding schedules. Its waxy, dark green leaves give it a lush, tropical appearance, yet it’s remarkably easy to care for.

Native to East Africa, the ZZ plant is drought-tolerant and resilient against .