Sometimes you need to snooze the daily hustle. A hyperconnected world's lifestyle has caught on a dizzying pace, revolving around hectic schedules. In the cacophony of overstimulation, a hushed day is all someone craves.

Exerting too much strain on your body and mind causes severe burnout , leading to indiscernible fatigue. Before the burnout tips you over, close your eyes and take a moment to rest. If you rest well, you are more productive and fulfilled.

Rest is not just sleeping, it goes beyond that. To recover and regain your footing, introspect to identify what's overwhelming you and how to address it. Consider the rest as a much-needed reset button that brings you clarity and balance.

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith proposed seven different types of rest that cater to the various aspects of wellbeing . She is a physician and a work-life integration researcher, who proposes essential techniques to counter burnout and work-related stress.

Here are seven different types of rest: Physical rest After wrapping up a day packed with activities that demanded a lot of physical energy, from a fun-party or a boring day of running errands; physical rest is required to recover and bounce back to work the next day. It calms down the constant demand of physical energy. Physical rest comprises brief naps in between long periods of work, deep breathing to compose yourself, and deep sleeping to completely relax your muscles and rejuvenate.

Even a calm walk or a good stretch can shake off the tens.