Our morning habits impact our mood and energy levels more than we often realise. Many of these routines are performed on autopilot, without conscious thought, which may negatively affect the rest of our day. The good news? With just a few mindful minutes each morning, you can adopt simple practices that will transform your day.

Here are some expert-recommended tips from individuals who have mastered the art of thriving in a busy world. Open the windows We’re not just mentioning ventilation for the sake of hygiene—though it’s crucial for oxygenating your environment—but also because it revitalises people. Anabel Vázquez, co-founder of Laconicum, swears by this practice.

"Even if it's very cold, I like to open the windows when I get up. That fresh air is incredibly energising for me," she says. She also highlights the benefits of letting natural light flood in if it's already daytime, as it helps regulate circadian rhythms and enhances overall well-being.

Take your time getting out of bed Hitting the snooze button for a few extra minutes of sleep might seem tempting, but it's not the best way to start your day. In fact, this habit can spike cortisol levels, making it counterproductive. Instead, focus on waking up mindfully.

Vanessa Delli, creator of DelliCare, takes 10 minutes each morning to breathe deeply, sending oxygen throughout her body to activate it, and she mentally expresses gratitude for the new day. Another calming way to wake up is by indulging in a good .