Our kitchens are more than just cooking spaces, they are actually the heart of our homes. We cook food, families gather, and make memories, this is what defines an actual kitchen. In a place so important, it is easy and obvious to become attached to our trusty tools and gadgets that us help make our lives easier.

But let's be honest – how many of us are guilty of keeping that old non-stick pan that has a cracked surface or spices that have lost their smell? If you find yourself in a similar situation, then it's time to freshen up your kitchen a little bit. Read on to know 7 kitchen essentials that should be replaced from time to time! Also Read: Safe Kitchen Practice: 5 Thumb Rules To Keep Your Kitchen Clean And Hygienic Here Are 7 Kitchen Essentials You Should Replace From Time To Time 1. Spices And Herbs The heart and soul of the Indian kitchen, as well as spices and herbs, should be disposed of after a certain period.

After you open the packet of your favourite spices , they start to lose their potency, meaning your food may not taste as flavourful as you think it would. Ground spices should be replaced every 6-12 months, while whole spices should be kept for up to two years. To maintain their freshness, store them in airtight containers away from direct heat and sunlight.

Label the spice jars to know when to discard them. 2. Kitchen Towels Kitchen towels, which are your savouries during unwanted kitchen spills, may seem like they can withstand the wrath of time, but the.