Exams are over and , which means teenagers and young people everywhere are eagerly anticipating their first holiday away from home without mum or dad. And while we know there are plenty of things , but equipping them with the skills to handle a parent-free holiday is not one of them. The thought of sending kids off to post-exam parties, adult-free holidays, and music festivals is nerve-wracking for parents but that highlights the importance of equipping teens and young adults with the skills to navigate risks and handle potential dangers when they're away from home.

As a mother of three, with two teens now firmly in the young adult category, I’ve learned the value of addressing tricky issues head-on. It’s never easy knowing about awkward topics, but creating an environment where discussing difficult subjects is normal encourages them to approach you with their concerns and even seek advice. It can be tempting to lay down the law to keep teens safe, but it's far more effective, in my experience as the mum of two teenage boysand a tween daughhter, to try to foster trust and build understanding.

So, as you prepare to have that all-important talk with your teen about their first parent-free holiday, remember that it’s not about instilling fear but rather empowering them with the confidence and knowledge to stay safe and enjoy their independence. To help you talk to teens about navigating this exciting chapter of their lives, we asked parenting expert to share seven things s.