If you enjoy cooking delicious meals in your kitchen, it’s more than likely that you add herbs to enhance the flavor. But buying them direct from the grocery store can be costly, and plenty of herbs are wasted as they either wilt before you use them, you buy more than you need, or they lack that ‘homegrown’ flavor. One sure way of using fresh herbs as and when you need them, without them going to waste, and with the best taste is to grow your own.

As Park Seed explains, “The flavonoids that give herbs their flavor can break down over time. That’s why herbs and foods grown at home are more flavorful than what you can buy.” The good news is, you don’t have to have a backyard to grow your own herbs.

Although you can grow a herb garden outside, you can also create a herb garden on a windowsill. It's even better if it’s in your kitchen as you’ll have a constant reminder to add fresh, tasty herbs to your meals. What’s more, by growing your own herbs you’ll reap the benefits of eating herbs that are free of pesticides and fertilizers.

Wren Kitchens has teamed up with Peter Ivanov, plant expert at Fantastic Services to share the easiest 7 herbs to grow and nurture on your kitchen windowsill. 1. Rosemary Rosemary is an ideal choice for starting your indoor herb garden, as it’s very low maintenance.

However, it does take a while to grow, and according to Sow Right Seeds , it can take a year to reach maturity. Apart from giving it a spray with a water mist once o.