Summer your favourite season? Then you’re not alone – according to a survey from John Lewis , more than half of us favour the warmer months over the rest of the year. So it stands to reason that the arrival of autumn isn’t usually met with much cheer. But experts agree it comes with some surprising health benefits, and embracing the new season can not only boost mood and strengthen the immune system, but help you sleep better too.

“Don’t let the seasonal change get you down – we need to embrace the onset of autumn as it poses a host of significant health benefits,” says GP Dr Deborah Lee (

“So put the summer behind you and approach autumn and winter with positivity.” Embrace cool weather: You may miss summer’s sunny days, but there are many reasons why cooler temperatures are good for health. Studies have shown lower temperatures can do everything from improving cognitive function to boosting weight loss.

And cold weather can also improve sleep. “Cooler weather is conducive to better sleep because the body naturally prepares for rest by lowering its core temperature, says physiotherapist and sleep specialist Sammy Margo (

uk). “Crisp autumn air can help facilitate this process, making it easier to fall asleep.” TOP TIP: Take cold therapy one step further by trying wild swimming, says Dr Lee.

“Regularly immersing yourself in cold water gives you a surge of adrenaline and dopamine. It also encourages the body to turn white f.