Creating a safe and calming home environment is paramount for individuals with autism as it can greatly influence their overall well-being , sense of security and developmental progress. Autism, a spectrum disorder characterised by challenges in communication , social interaction and sensory processing, requires thoughtful and intentional adjustments to living spaces. Each strategy is designed to address specific challenges faced by individuals with autism, from minimising sensory overload to fostering a sense of control and independence.

By implementing these approaches, caregivers and families can transform their homes into nurturing spaces that enhance the quality of life for their loved ones with autism. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Praveen Suman of Child Development Clinic at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, emphasised the need for - 1. Improving Sensory Quality of the Built Environment for People with ASD: Low Arousal Environment: Minimizing stimuli (visual, acoustic and smell stimuli) and details is essential for individuals with ASD due to altered sensory processing.

Transition Spaces: Adequate transitions between different sensory experiences help prevent sensory overload and support sensory integration. Quiet Spaces: Designing quiet areas following specific spatial requirements provides comfort and calmness for people with ASD. 2.

Making the Built Environment Intelligible for People with ASD: Clear and Simple Spatial Layout: A straightforward organisation helps indi.