Summary Private jets can reach higher altitudes due to higher power-to-weight ratio. Private jets have unique safety systems for cabin pressurization and descending faster. Flying at higher altitudes increases efficiency due to lower fuel consumption and less air traffic.

Most large commercial aircraft cruise at an altitude between 30,000 feet and 40,000 feet. Many have a service ceiling (maximum permitted altitude) slightly higher than that, but don't usually reach it. Smaller private and business jets, however, regularly cruise at altitudes of up to 51,000 feet.

There are several reasons why they do this. 1 Because they can Private jets are relatively smaller and lighter Higher power-to-weight ratio Greater rate of climb Lighter and smaller Shorter wingspans The first point to make here is that private jets can reach and operate at these higher altitudes more easily. In general, private jets have a higher power-to-weight ratio, allowing them to ascend faster and maintain higher speed at higher altitudes.

Commercial aircraft on the other hand, will be much heavier (even relative to their size) with passengers and payload. Wingspan is also (relatively) lower, which impacts performance at altitude. To reach higher altitudes economically, commercial aircraft would need much larger wing areas.

Innovations such as the longer wings for the Boeing 777X (which fold on the ground) are to help efficient performance. It's not for the fainthearted..

. 2 Private jets have different safety.