When the iPad Pro first debuted, many people wondered if it signaled the beginning of the end for traditional laptop computers. However, it doesn't seem to be the case, as Apple is still clearly putting effort into manufacturing state-of-the-art laptops for those of us not ready (or willing) to transition to tablets. SlashGear reviewed the MacBook Air M3 of Apple's most-recent laptop generation and found it to have a "beautiful design," "top-notch performance metrics," and several other fine points in its favor.

Even with a top-of-the-line computer, though, there are accessories available that can enhance your experience with the machine even further. I've been using a MacBook for over 20 years (technically I was using an Apple PowerBook — the direct ancestor of the MacBook Pro — in college), including various generations of the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. I'm also a gadget junkie, constantly on the lookout for any type of device, dongle, or doohickey that will make my life even slightly more convenient — this is also why I've been writing about and reviewing tech products for the past few years.

Suffice to say, I've paired many accessories with my MacBook over the years. Some have been totally useless and were a total waste of time and money, while others have been so beneficial that they've more-or-less become permanent extensions of my laptop, even as Apple's hardware and operating systems evolve. Based on my experience, here are six essential MacBook accessories yo.