In a tragic incident, chopped body of a 50-year-old woman, who went missing two days ago, were found in plastic bags in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur. The victim, Anita Chaudhary, a beautician, went missing after she closed her beauty parlour in the afternoon and did not return back. The victim’s husband filed a missing complaint at the police station in Jodhpur and reported that she had not returned home from her beauty parlour, which she had closed around 2:30 pm on the day of her disappearance.

During investigation it was found that one Ghulamuddin alias Gul Mohammad, the accused, had a shop in the same building where Anita’s beauty parlour was located. Both of them knew each other. As per Sardarpura police station officer Dilip Singh Rathore, Anita had left her parlour in an auto and when the auto driver was questioned, he said he took her to Gangana area where the accused Gul stays.

When the cops reached Gul’s house, they found his wife and she informed that she had been to her sister’s home for the past three days. “When she returned back home, her husband told her that Anita had been killed and her body was buried behind the house. Police dug up a 12-foot pit during which the torso, hands and legs of the woman’s body were found wrapped separately in two plastic bags,” Rathore said.

The deceased’s son informed that Gulamuddin killed her after she denied him. The victim’s body was sent to AIIMS for a post-mortem examination. The cops have started an investigati.