First Bank, in partnership with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), has launched a major tree-planting initiative to enhance Nigeria’s vegetation cover. According to the bank, the initiative, led by Aishatu Bubaram, the group executive of commercial banking for the North at First Bank, was part of its 2024 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. The bank stated that the tree-planting effort at Government Secondary School (GSS), Karshi, Abuja, which involves planting 50,000 trees, was part of a broader goal to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment.

Bubaram emphasised the bank’s commitment to planting 50,000 trees nationwide at the event. “The essence of planting these trees is environmental conservation,” she said. “These are economic trees that we believe will outlive our generation and benefit future generations.

” “First Bank’s goal, initiated during our Corporate Sustainability Week in 2023, is to plant 50,000 trees by 2024. We are well on our way to achieving this, with 30,000 trees planted this year,” she added. “Trees play an indispensable role in our environment.

They purify the air we breathe, stabilise the climate, prevent soil erosion, and provide habitats and food for diverse species, including humans. In a world increasingly threatened by climate change, planting trees is one of the most effective ways to restore balance to our ecosystems. “By planting trees in Abuja, we are actively.